What Is a Trauma Pad Used For?

If you are a fan of bushcraft and spend a lot of time in nature, trying to survive in the most natural way, having a trauma pad can be very useful. When learning and using bushcraft skills such as shelter-building, wood carving, fire-making, using all kinds of tools, etc., injuries can easily occur. So having a protective item like a trauma pad is something that you must always have in your backpack.

A trauma pad can stop the bleeding if you have an accident in nature and can’t get professional help. Even if it’s something bigger than a simple cut, the trauma pads are big enough to easily cover a larger area of your body. And below, I will tell you how to properly use it and also what is a trauma pad used for exactly.

What Is a Trauma Pad Used For

What Is a Trauma Pad Used For?

The trauma pads are a must for everyone who loves bushcraft and loves learning how to survive on their own in nature. This is a challenging hobby, so injuries and cuts can easily occur.

That’s why, if you love challenging yourself and going on adventures, you must have at least one package of trauma pads in your backpack. Usually, the trauma pads have a moisture-resistant barrier, are made from cotton, and don’t contain latex. 

Besides being very easy to use, the trauma pads are non-adherent, so there won’t be any additional pain when removing them. So now, let’s see what is a trauma pad used for.

Cover the wound and keep it clean

А trauma pad is used for covering a wound. Simply put, trauma pads are ideal when dealing with a larger wound because they are bigger, so they can cover the whole wound.

Even though the trauma pads are similar to the gauze, they are not the same. The trauma pads are a bit larger, so they can be used for more serious injuries and bigger body areas, protect your wounds and keep them clean so that no infection will occur.

Stops the heavy bleeding

If you hurt yourself and start to bleed, having a trauma pad can stop the bleeding very quickly. The trauma pad creates pressure over the wound, and that pressure is exactly what minimizes and then stops the bleeding.

In case of severe bleeding, if you see that the blood is coming out of the pad, remove the pad. Then, use another one, apply some pressure, and expect the bleeding to stop quickly.

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Absorbs the blood

Absorbs the blood

A trauma pad has a very high absorbency, no matter how much you have hurt yourself and how much you are bleeding. The trauma pads are pretty absorbent, so even though the trauma pad will stop the bleeding, it will also absorb all of the blood, so there won’t be any leakage.

And as I mentioned above, if you notice that the blood starts to come out from the pad, you should remove that pad and use another one. That’s why I recommend you take more than one trauma pad with you on your bushcraft adventures. You never know when you might need one.

How to Use a Trauma Pad Properly

In this section, you will learn how to properly use a trauma pad. I’ve explained the process step by step so that when you find yourself in an emergent situation, you don’t need to panic. Just stay calm, take the trauma pad out of your backpack, and follow this guide, which is very easy to remember.

  1. Open the trauma pad and make sure that it covers the entire wound. Hold the pad by its edges and avoid touching the part that will directly touch the wound. Also, don’t touch the wound directly with your hands if you haven’t washed them.
  2. Apply soft pressure over the wound because that is the only way to stop the bleeding.
  3. The last part is to secure the pad, and you can do that by using some adhesive tape or bandage and sealing the trauma pad over the wound.
  4. If the blood comes out of the trauma pad, remove it and use another new, clean trauma pad following these same steps.

The trauma pads are quick and easy to use, and one pad should be used only once. Once you remove it, make sure you throw it out.

How to Choose the Proper Size

Trauma pads are available in various sizes. The most common size of a trauma pad is 5″ x 9″ (12.7 centimeters x 22.8 centimeters), but you can find different sizes, including smaller and also larger ones, for example, 10″ x 30″ (25.4 centimeters x 76.2 centimeters).

So before purchasing a trauma pad, take some time and think about which body parts you might need. Trauma pads are cheap, so I recommend you purchase different sizes. They won’t take up too much space in your backpack, and having different ones will prepare you for any situation.

Also, you can buy a package consisting of one single pad, but you can also buy a package with more pads inside, so get whatever seems better to you.

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Spending time in the wild, enjoying bushcraft, and obtaining survival skills is impressive, but it is also very challenging, so you must protect yourself. No matter which activity you like to enjoy, having a trauma pad to stop the bleeding or cover the wound is the best thing you can do, and that is why you must include this item in your first aid kit.

So now as you have discovered what is a trauma pad used for and how helpful it can be, get yourself a couple of trauma pad packages before going on your next adventure, and don’t put your health at risk. Enjoy your adventures, knowing that even if you hurt yourself, you have something to help you feel better.

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