Building a hut is necessary for survival if you are out in the wilderness. The hut will not only protect you from predators and insects but can also keep you warm and safe from various weather conditions.
So, how to build a hut in the woods? Continue reading as I take you through the process of building a survival shelter when you find yourself in an emergency.

How to Build a Hut in the Woods
To build a survival hut in the woods, you will need to find wood sticks, leaves, mud, and clay. Before you set up a shelter, you will need to find a suitable location, isolate the ground and frame the shelter to make it as sturdy as possible.
Let’s dive into more detail about building a hut in the wilderness out of naturally occurring and using primitive tools.
Read more: How to Find a Spring in the Woods
Detailed Guide on the Building Process
Things to consider
Knowing how to make a basic hut could save your life if you ever find yourself stranded in the wilderness. Therefore, being prepared with knowledge in an emergency is very important. Before making a hut, let’s briefly talk about the steps you need to implement to successfully build a survival shelter.
The tight location
Before you start building the hut, it is necessary to evaluate the area to choose the right spot for your shelter. I would suggest not making a shelter next to any water. Your chosen spot should also not be underneath any cliffs or falling rocks.
Instead, try looking for a dry area that is naturally protected from the wind and won’t become flooded in case of a storm. The area should also be flat and suitable for making a fire in front of the hut.
You can choose a well-visible or well-hidden location, depending on whether you want to stay protected or be easily found to be rescued.
Survival needs
While making a hut, it is also necessary to consider the number of people in the group. If you are on your own, you can easily create the hut based on your needs.
Another important thing to determine is whether the shelter is for short-term or long-term use and how much time you will need to build the hut.
Equally important is insulating the ground and making the hut sturdy to withstand different weather conditions.
Building process
To help you in the process, you can try shaping a piece of quartz stone to make a hand axe using basalt or other stones. The handmade axe can help you chop wood and branches for the hut. While cutting the wood, try making a clean cut and determine the length of the wood that you will need.
Making the hut
To start:
- Create holes in the ground by hammering wood.
- Place two thick pieces of wooden strips in a parallel position and connect them with another wooden strip by placing them horizontally on top of them.
- Lash all of the wood sticks together using vines from the wood.
Follow the same steps to create another such construction with bigger wooden strips, place it behind the first one, and then create another from smaller wooden sticks placed behind the bigger wooden construction.
On top of each construction, place two angled rafters connected with vines or lawyered cane until you get a roof-like-looking wood construction. Next, collect fallen dead leaves and skewer them onto wooden sticks. Place them onto the frame you have already made and connect them with the vine.
Once that is settled, use other wooden sticks to construct the frame by attaching wooden sticks until the hut becomes sturdy enough. You can even create a wooden bed out of the left wooden sticks.
Read more: How to Build a Waterproof Shelter in the Woods

Another Option – Leaf Hut
If this process is intricate in your situation, and you are still wondering how to build a hut in the woods, you can also try making a leaf/debris hut.
This is an A-frame type of shelter, and it will take approximately three to four hours to create. This is also the simplest type of shelter in case you cannot make a more complex hut or a cabin.
Making the hut
To do so, you will need a long and sturdy pole up to 12 feet long to use as a ridgepole and set it up on the rock or a stump. Next, prop the pole through the y-shaped crook of a tree or lash two sticks together with twine making the same angle.
That said, ensure that the hut is wide enough to cover you when you lay. Using smaller tree branches, cover the sides of the pole placed at an angle along both sides to create ‘ribs’ on the hut.
However, the branches shouldn’t go more than 8-10 inches above the ridgepole to prevent water from getting into your shelter. Gather any vegetation, such as moss, bush, grass, etc., and cover the hut’s sides to stay dry inside.
It is also possible to elongate the hut at the front using wooden branches to create a wider entrance. Moreover, you can also use the vegetation that is left to create bedding inside your survival shelter.
If you have been wondering what will happen if you are stranded in the wilderness, knowing how to build a hut in the woods using your bare hands or primitive tools can help you immensely.
By following the instructions I have provided in the article, you will be able to build a simple hut that will not damage the ecosystem but can protect you from weather conditions and make you as warm as possible during your stay in the wilderness.