Camping is a very fun and exciting experience for many outdoor enthusiasts. That said, the type of tent that you will build can make or break your time spent in nature.
The right tent will make you comfortable while you are camping as well as protect you from various weather conditions. Also, building a shelter with a fire pit will help you stay warm overnight when the temperatures get low during your camping trip.
Read on as I explain how to build a teepee with a fire pit in several simplified steps.

How to Build a Teepee With a Fire Pit
To easily build a teepee with a fire pit, you will first need to construct the frame of the teepee and then add its cover. Hence, you will need tools to cut down the trees, such as an ax and a chainsaw, as well as sturdy sticks to use as teepee poles. If you would like a teepee that will last for many camping trips to come, you will also need a large and durable tarp.
Building a Teepee With a Fire Pit
Build your teepee frame
The first step is to create the frame of the teepee, which needs to be very sturdy and withstand various weather conditions. When you are building such a construction, determine the height of the teepee and make sure the angles are right.
For the ultimate camping experience, you can use a chainsaw and a measuring tool to cut wooden sticks on your own. However, if that is not something you can do, you can also purchase logs that are already cut down. Start by laying out two tripod poles on the grown and add another one across them, making an angle of 30 degrees.
Then, upright the wooden poles and lash them all together with a clove hitch to form the framework of the teepee. Once you ensure the construction is sturdy enough, you can start adding new poles and intersecting them for even better stability. Lash them all together with rope near the top.
If the frame is sturdy, your frame is successfully done!
Cover the teepee
Get a square or rectangle canvas or tarp with suitable measures depending on the height of the teepee and the size of the fire pit you would like to build. Cover the teepee with the tarp like a sail raised on a boat and lash it on the top. Stake the canvas at the bottom using metal stakes to prevent the wind from opening it up.
Build the fire pit
Once you reach this point, determine the location of the fire pit you would like to build. That said, make sure that you leave enough room for people to either sit or sleep. Begin digging the pit and create a tunnel for the air inlet by digging it all the way outside of the teepee.
Make sure to cover the tunnel with metal pieces or even run a pipe if possible so that the smoke from the fire pit goes outside of the teepee. The next step is to arrange the fire pit with bricks and cement them together.
You can also place something underneath the fire pit to prevent the fire from damaging the tarp in case the ground is wet. Another great idea is creating a fire pit ring using rocks for even better safety.
Also read: How to Make a Wickiup

More About Building a Teepee With a Fire Pit
The teepee can be any size, so you can build it based on the number of people that will be staying or sleeping. However, if the teepee is too big, chances are it may collapse. Therefore, the frame needs to have an opening that is 4-5 feet wide.
A teepee with a fire pit will keep you warm during the night and shelter you from rain and wind. Moreover, if you have a fire pit with a ring that is properly made, you can even cook on an open flame, making the teepee very convenient.
Regarding safety, having a fire extinguisher or a bucket of water nearby is extremely important in case the fire is out of control. For a better fire, you will need dry and uniform pieces of wood so that it burns without too much smoke.
Read more: How to Make a Whoopie Sling
Tips for Creating a Fire Pit Inside of a Teepee
Even though having a fire pit inside of a teepee might sound dangerous for many, these types of tents have been used for many years by indigenous people for warmth, cooking dishes as well as gathering around and sharing stories.
Now that you have learned how to build a teepee with a fire pit in a simple way, let’s look at some important things you can consider.
Here are some useful tips for having a fire pit inside your teepee:
- Refrain from using some types of wood for the fire, such as birch bark and spruce wood
- Don’t put debris in the fireplace, but only use suitable wood
- Keep an eye on the fireplace and try keeping a regular flow
- Clean the fireplace of ash and debris before you start another fire
- Keep pieces of wood close to you to toss it into the fire before the fire becomes low
Other camping tips
- Get a rechargeable lamp to use when it is dark before you light the fireplace
- Bring camping chairs that will bring you comfort during your camping trip
- Place your clothes and bag on the ground, so they don’t become smokey
- Choose the location of the teepee in advance and pack the necessary gear
If you have carefully followed the instructions in this article, now you have learned how to build a teepee with a fire pit as well and discovered what it is used for. While the building process takes some time and effort, the process of building it is very simple. However, you must be aware of the geometry that goes into crafting such construction and also follow the safety measures when it comes to starting a fire inside of the teepee.